Policy Studies put the beneficiaries in the centre of our work. They are the people for whom we work. We are deeply convinced it is the beneficiaires who know best how to improve their living conditions, which support they need and whether the projects designed for them are implemented for their benefit.
International Organisations and Development Agencies
Policy Studies work with international organisations and development agencies to conduct needs assessments and fact findings and to design, implement, monitor and evaluate a wide range of donor-funded projects and programmes. We also provide policy advice and scenario analysis to donors and international development agencies, with an aim of developing and strengthening their approaches.
We work – among others – for the following institutions: Council of Europe, European Investment Bank, GIZ, International Organisation for Migration, OSCE, UNDP and UNESCO.
National and International Non-Governmental Organisations
Policy Studies maintain a wide network with national and international non-governmental organisations, being convinced that these organisations provide an often useful alternative view, complement and support government service deliveries, and contribute to the communication between government institutions and citizens.
We work – among others – for the following institutions: Transparency International-Secretariat, Partnership for Transparency Europe, Caritas International, Bred for the World, Renovabis, medica mondiale and German political foundations.